
Fear & Greed Dashboard
Last Updated on - 05-Jan-2021, 1:21 AM

FGI Details

Fear Greed Index (FGI) is your key to making superior returns in the Indian Equity market. 

It is the distilled quantification of investment advice that has stood the test of time. 

The market swings like a pendulum from being cheap (when people are fearful) to being expensive (when people are greedy) and vice versa.

For the investor, remaining emotionally calm in the midst of fear and greed is the foundation of good investment returns. Sell to the greedy and buy from the fearful. To help you understand where things stand, we have created the Fear Greed Index.

The Fear Greed Index runs on a scale from zero (being the cheapest) to hundred (the most expensive). The lower the level of the FGI, the higher the returns that you can expect in the future, higher the FGI, lower are the expected returns. For further explanation Click Here